Introduction to D-Bus - Pass 2
D-Bus was already compiled before, but not a useful program,
dbus-launch. This
pass will cover it, and some setup required.
D-Bus Dependencies
Libraries (for dbus-launch program)
Installation of D-Bus - Pass 2
Install D-Bus by running the
following commands (you may wish to review the output from
./configure --help
first and add any desired parameters to the configure command shown below):
make distclean &&
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--localstatedir=/var \
--runstatedir=/run \
--disable-doxygen-docs \
--disable-xml-docs \
--disable-static \
--with-systemduserunitdir=no \
--with-systemdsystemunitdir=no \
--docdir=/usr/share/doc/dbus-1.14.10 \
--with-system-socket=/run/dbus/system_bus_socket &&
Now, as the root
make install
If you are using a DESTDIR install, dbus-daemon-launch-helper needs
to be fixed afterwards. Issue, as root
chown -v root:messagebus /usr/libexec/dbus-daemon-launch-helper &&
chmod -v 4750 /usr/libexec/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
Command Explanations
This switch disables doxygen documentation build and install, if
you have doxygen installed. If
doxygen is installed, and you wish
to build them, remove this parameter.
: This
switch disables html documentation build and install, if you have
xmlto installed. If xmlto is installed, and you wish to build
them, remove this parameter.
: This
switch prevents installation of static versions of the libraries.
These switches disable installation of systemd units on elogind
based systems.
This parameter specifies the location of the system bus socket.
: Builds
extra parts of the code to support all tests. Do not use on a
production build.
: Builds extra
parts of the code to support only unit tests. Do not use on a
production build.
: Enables
debugging code to run assertions for statements normally assumed to
be true. This prevents a warning that '--enable-tests
' on its own is only
useful for profiling and might not give true results for all tests,
but adds its own NOTE that this should not be used in a production
Configuring D-Bus
Config Files
Configuration Information
The configuration files listed above should probably not be
modified. If changes are required, you should create /etc/dbus-1/session-local.conf
make any desired changes to these files.
If any packages install a D-Bus
file outside of the
standard /usr/share/dbus-1/services
directory, that directory should be added to the local session
configuration. For instance, /usr/local/share/dbus-1/services
can be added
by performing the following commands as the root
cat > /etc/dbus-1/session-local.conf << "EOF"
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
<!-- Search for .service files in /usr/local -->
D-Bus Session Daemon
To automatically start dbus-daemon when the system is
rebooted, install the /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbus
bootscript from the
blfs-bootscripts package.
make install-dbus
Now would be a good idea to reboot and test to see if D-Bus,
elogind, etc. works, and you can login. Run the command
loginctl after
ensuring D-Bus is running. The result should indicate that a
SESSION and a SEAT have been created.
Note that this boot script only starts the system-wide
D-Bus daemon. Each user
requiring access to D-Bus
services will also need to run a session daemon as well. There
are many methods you can use to start a session daemon using the
command. Review the dbus-launch man page for
details about the available parameters and options. Here are some
suggestions and examples: