Enable the following options in the kernel configuration and
recompile the kernel if necessary:
Device Drivers --->
Input device support --->
-*- Generic input layer (needed for keyboard, mouse, ...) [INPUT]
<*/M> Event interface [INPUT_EVDEV]
Installation of libevdev
Install libevdev by running the
following commands:
mkdir build &&
cd build &&
meson setup .. \
--prefix=/usr \
--buildtype=release \
-D documentation=disabled \
-D tests=disabled &&
The regression tests can be run as the root
user with ninja test, in a graphical
session. You need to have enabled the CONFIG_INPUT_UINPUT setting
in the kernel for full test coverage. If it is enabled as a
module, the module is named uinput and needs to be loaded
before running the tests. Note that on some systems, the tests
may cause a hard lockup and require a reboot. On laptops, the
system will go into Sleep and need to be woken up to finish the
test suites.
Now, as the root
ninja install