The FreeBee package is an AT&T 3B1/7300 UNIX PC emulator.
libarchive (to unpack the distributions) and SDL2
Unpack the musashi submodule into the right place:
unzip ../ -d src/ && rmdir src/musashi && mv src/Musashi-fc7a6fc602e2fbcd24851670a5242358765feacf src/musashi
During extraction, you may get the following message(s):
unzip: Cannot set mode for '...': Operation not supported
You may ignore said message(s), everything is fine. It is caused by an attempt to set the file attributes on a symbolic link, which are ignored on most Unix and Unix-like systems, a notable exception being macOS.
Optionally, apply a patch to search for the ROMs in a system-wide location and not the current directory:
patch -Np1 -i ../freebee-b72776-system-roms.patch
Install FreeBee by running the following command:
make src/musashi/m68kops.h && make && make -C tools
Now, as the root
install -v -Dm755 freebee /usr/bin/freebee && install -v -Dm755 tools/makehdimg /usr/bin/makehdimg && install -v -m644 freebee.1 /usr/share/man/man1 && install -v -m644 tools/makehdimg.1 /usr/share/man/man1
Optionally, install the documentation as the root
install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/freebee-b72776 && install -v -m644 /usr/share/doc/freebee-b72776 && install -v -m644 /usr/share/doc/freebee-b72776 && install -v -m644 sample.freebee.toml /usr/share/doc/freebee-b72776 && install -v -m644 doc/3B1\ Memory\ Map.ods /usr/share/doc/freebee-b72776
If you have applied the systemwide ROMs patch, install those ROMs
as the root
install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/freebee/roms && unzip ../ -d /usr/share/freebee/roms && rm -vf /usr/share/freebee/roms/*.hex && rm -vf /usr/share/freebee/roms/README && mv -v /usr/share/freebee/roms/14C\ 72-00616.bin /usr/share/freebee/roms/14c.bin && mv -v /usr/share/freebee/roms/15C\ 72-00617.bin /usr/share/freebee/roms/15c.bin
make src/musashi/m68kops.h: This command explicitly generates a header file used during build time to avoid a race condition.
If you have not applied the systemwide ROMs patch, you will have
to put the roms/
folder as
documented in the README
file from
into every folder you
run FreeBee from, although it is
possible to explicitly set the ROM path in the FreeBee config file if you do not want to do
Refer to the FreeBee documentation to learn how to configure the config file.