The XHomer package provides an emulator for the DEC Pro 350 computer, a PDP-11-based machine that was sold in the early to mid-80s.
Download (HTTP):
Apply a patch to allow for proper restoring of terminal settings in certain commonly used scenarios of closing XHomer:
patch -Np1 -i ../xhomer-2-19-24-close-properly.patch
Now, apply a patch to fix compilation of misc included utilities:
patch -Np1 -i ../xhomer-2-19-24-fix-util-build.patch
Install XHomer by running the following command:
make && gcc UTILITIES/lbn2xhomer.c -o UTILITIES/lbn2xhomer && gcc UTILITIES/venix2xhomer.c -o UTILITIES/venix2xhomer
Now, as the root
install -v -Dm755 xhomer /usr/bin/xhomer && install -v -Dm755 UTILITIES/lbn2xhomer /usr/bin/lbn2xhomer && install -v -Dm755 UTILITIES/venix2xhomer /usr/bin/venix2xhomer
Optionally, install the documentation as the root
install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/xhomer-2-19-24 && install -v -m644 DOC/* /usr/share/doc/xhomer-2-19-24