The idle package is a minimalistic Lisa 1/2 emulator.
Required ROMs:
Required patch:
Recommended patch:
Optional patch:
libarchive (to unpack the distributions) and sdl12-compat
Apply a patch to fix various SIGILLs due to security mitigations in modern processors:
patch -Np1 -i ../idle-r26-fix-sigill.patch
Optionally, apply a patch to search for the ROMs in a system-wide location and not the current directory:
patch -Np1 -i ../idle-r26-system-roms.patch
ONLY apply the following patch if you REALLY know what you're doing. This patch pretends the Lisa II/5 as properly emulated by the idle emulator is actually a Lisa II/10, without actually introducing any new behaviour or adding any new hardware from the Lisa II/10. It is VERY likely to introduce problems in software specifically coded for the Lisa II/10, or software with proper support for it for that matter. The ONLY thing this patch is good at is making SCO Xenix properly use a 10MB ProFile drive, because SCO Xenix' ProFile driver makes an assumption about the installed hard disk size by looking at the system model, and attempting to format a 10MB drive on a Lisa II/5, or a 5MB drive on a Lisa II/10, for that matter, WILL result in errors from mkfs.
If, after you read the above, you still want to apply the patch, run the following:
patch -Np1 -i ../idle-r26-pretend-we-are-a-lisa-2-10.patch
Install idle by running the following command:
make -f Makefile.unixsdl && make -C tools/obj2asm && make -C tools/xprofile_tool
Now, as the root
install -v -Dm755 idle /usr/bin/idle-emu && install -v -Dm755 tools/obj2asm/mpw_obj2asm /usr/bin && install -v -Dm755 tools/xprofile_tool/xprofile_tool /usr/bin
If you have applied the systemwide ROMs patch, install those ROMs
as the root
install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/idle/bios && install -v -m644 bios/vidstate.rom /usr/share/idle/bios && unzip ../ && install -v -m644 idle_win32_bin/bios/341-0175-h /usr/share/idle/bios && install -v -m644 idle_win32_bin/bios/341-0176-h /usr/share/idle/bios && install -v -m644 idle_win32_bin/bios/L175REVC.bin /usr/share/idle/bios && install -v -m644 idle_win32_bin/bios/L176REVC.bin /usr/share/idle/bios && rm -rf idle_win32_bin
If you have not applied the systemwide ROMs patch, you will have
to put the bios/
folder from
replaced from the
source distribution into every folder you plan on executing
idle from.
The ProFile drive image is hardcoded to be in the current
directory and is named profile.raw