
Introduction to G-Kermit

The G-Kermit package provides a Unix program for transferring files with the Kermit protocol. It is provided here for transferring files over the Kermit protocol to UNIX 3.51 running on FreeBee-b72776.

Package Information

Additional Downloads

Installation of G-Kermit

The source distribution unpacks to the current directory. In order to avoid cluttering up the folder where the tarball was originally downloaded to, unpack it in the following way:

mkdir -v gkermit &&
cd gkermit &&
tar -xvf ../gku201.tar.gz


All the proceeding instructions on this page should be followed in this gkermit/ directory. Once you are done installing this package, you may navigate out of this directory.

Next, apply a patch to fix some implicit declarations leading to a build failure:

patch -Np1 -i ../gkermit-2.01-fix-implicit-declaration.patch

Install gkermit by executing the following commands:

rm -vf gproto.c &&
make -j1

Now as the root user:

make BINDIR=/usr/bin MANDIR=/usr/share/man/man1 \
     TEXTDIR=/usr/share/doc/gkermit-2.01 install &&
mv -v /usr/share/man/man1/gkermit.l /usr/share/man/man1/gkermit.1

Command Explanations

rm -vf gproto.c: This command deletes a stray autogenerated file to ensure a working build.

make -j1: This command builds the package using only one thread to ensure there is no race condition.


Installed Programs: gkermit
Installed Libraries: None
Installed Directories: /usr/share/doc/gkermit-2.01

Short Descriptions


transfers files using the Kermit protocol